CV in english

Production coordinator: Work with theaters and compagnies. National and international Tours.
Operational Competences :
- Evaluation of the technical needs for staff and material during creations, rehearsals and tours,
- Coordination and realization of the technical riders with the creation staff,
- In collaboration with the artistic staff manager, evaluation of the viability and technical feasibility of the productions and shows on tour,
- Establishment of work planning during rehearsals and shows,
- Manage the coordination  during the shows,
- Elaboration, in collaboration with the production department and with the artistic staff, of the planning of the loads on, transports (and listing for carnet ATA), set up and shows,
- Coordination of the stage sets transports on tour.

Budgetary competences :
- Elaboration of the forecast technical budgets of productions and tours, in collaboration with production,
- Proceed to the quotations requested in order to construct, to rent, to buy, to transport,
- Proceed to respect the budget valid by the technical direction.

Lighting production responsible :  
-In collaboration with the lighting designer, scenographer, and production and set up team: preparation and editing, operation, dismantling of the creative lightplot, during rehearsals, performances according to schedule.
-Establishment of the technical rider and light files: Adaptation of the lightplot with Autocad, photo files of cues and presets with the MLA "Moving Light Assistant" software.

Light Control: Light desk (Avab: ETC Element, Congo-junior V6.3 (trained in Avab-Transtechnik-Paris), Safari, Presto; and Grand MA 1 and 2) with generic spotlights (mostly) and moving heads.
Sound technician: analogical desks and Yamaha 02R + clasics microphones.

I'm French, I born in Lille in 1974.
My training as technical responsable in live show comes from 23 years of many profesionals experiences, as light technician (principaly), machinary and sound.
All jobs I've done in many theaters, lives, festivals, tours...were in a international context (Spain, France, Canada, United States, Mexic, China, ….)
I have a theoretical training (Grand MA 1 and 2 lightboard, electrical qualification, rigging, Autocad…)
I speak and write in french, spanish. English, superior intermediate level.

Profesional experience:

2022 (april) - 2023 (Dic): Lighting technicien in Teatre Lliure de Barcelona.

2019 (june) - 2021 (julio): light production responsible into the Opéra la Monnaie in Brussels.

Technical rider of the creations made being lighting responsible: "Mac Beth Underworld""Contes d'Hoffmann", "Is this the end", "Turn of the screw"

lightplots clarified and set up while being lighting responsible :  "Mac Beth Underworld", "Mac Beth props", "Contes d'Hoffmann", "Turn of the screw", "Is THis the End", "Belcanto", "Bord du Monde"

Moving light assistant (cues Contes Hoffmann)

Show canceled by covid: "Dame de Pique", Tour de Dame de Pique

Material I've been introduced to (in la Monnaie):

2016-2018: general manager of the delegated productions and tours in the 104 / Paris. details here
Technical riders done: "La disparition d’Everett Ruess", "Le Cahier Noir".
Plannings done with Régie Spectacle: "Julia", "La disparition d’Everett Ruess", "Le Cahier Noir", "Le Penseur de Rodin", "Lotissement", "Des Territoires".

2013-2015: Technical director and light control for "Alice in China".
Acrobatic Company of Tianjin - Chinese Circus,
6 months tour in France, with the producer Gruber Ballet Opera.
In Ajaccio and in Clermont Ferrand, I've reprogramed the show with moving heads (16 servocolor 800 + 11 Robin mmx spot) with GrandMA1.
Technical rider Alice in China
Lightplot Alice dwg

2012-2009: Technical responsible and  Light control for “Nutcracker”,
Acrobatic Company of Dalian - Chinese Circus,
3 tours in France during 9 months, with the producer Gruber Ballet Opera.
Technical rider Nutcracker

In this video, we are in Neuchatel in 2010:

2011-2005: Technical responsible (light and machinary) with the 
Antonio Najarro Company,
with the shows “Suite Sevilla”, “Jazzing Flamenco”, “Flamencoriental”, “Tango Flamenco”.
in France, Montreal (for the Jazz Festival), Spain, United States, Mexico, Bahrain, Ciprus, Chili, Switzerland, Reunion Island, Turkey, Algeria, Israel, Norway, Greece, Quatar, Oman...
250 performances in the world with those 4 shows...

This is a sequence of "Suite Sevilla"  recorded in Quatar, Doha, in July 2011:

Technical rider Jazzing Flamenco (light, machinary)

This is a sequence of "Jazzing" recorded in France in July 2010:
And this one in Madrid, in August 2011:

I've reprogramed "Flamencoriental" with moving heads and GrandMA1 in Denain (with 7 Mac 2000 profile), in Montauban (with 7 Mac 2000 profile + 6 Mac 2000 wash), in Morges (with 7 Clay Paky Alfa 575w), in Nimes (with 7 Mac 2000 profile), in Saint Jean de Luz (with 7 Mac 2000 profile), in St Cyr (with 7 Robe 1200 profile), in Cebazat (with 7 Mac 700 profile), in Oman (with 7 Mac 2000 profile and 10 Mac wash 600).
Technical rider Flamencoriental (light, machinary)

This is a sequence of "Flamencoriental" recorded in Istambul, the 25th of May 2011:

Technical rider Tango Flamenco (light, machinary)

These are sequences of "Tango Flamenco" recorded in Monaco the 16th of April 2011:

Nov-Dec 2008: Technical responsible for “Che Malambo”,
Heyoka Company– Pampa Argentina,
13 performances in France and Switzerland, with the producer Gruber Ballet Opera.

This is a sequence of "Che Malambo" recorded in Decines, France, in 2008:

Light Design:
2006 Light Design, and Light and Sound Technician 
for Sonia Gomez, “Natural 2” (Performance): 27 performances in China (Pekin-Shanghai),
alternative theaters in Spain and in the youth "Bienale" of Bari (Italy).

24/06/2006 Light Design for “Esencia” of Manuel Diaz Choreographer, winner of the Spanish and Flamenco Dance Choreography Awards in Madrid.

Other jobs with compagnies and theaters:
-Lliure Theater in Barcelona, electrician, ocasionaly from 2008 til 2012 and then frecuently since 2013 as electrician or lighting responsable for set up or load out:
-Technical Asistances (light) in the Catalunyan National Theater, 2009 til 2011.
-General manager in the Garage, in Roubaix, for the festival "Danse à Lille", 13rd-15th March 2013.
-Light and Sound Control  for Nuevo Ballet Español: “Tierra” in Hellin (Spain), 27/9/2006.
-Light and Sound Control for Jordi Cortés in Dublin, in the Fringe Festival, 2007.
-Light and Sound Control  for Losdedae: in Madrid, Murcia, 2006.
-Light and Sound Control  for the Brasilian Company Membros: “Raio X”, in Salamanca, 1/7/2007.
-Fernando Rojas Theater, Circulo de Bellas Artes (Madrid): Automn Festival, Autonomies Festival, Live concerts, conferences, Awards Ceremonies...4 months in total in 2004-2005.
-Tour with the show “Molly Bloom” with Maguï Mira in 2004.
Light and Sound Control for 16 performances in Málaga, Santander, Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, Segovia, Toledo, Madrid...
-Technical Director in the Teatreneu Theater, Auditorium Xavier Fabregas, 2002 season.
-In France, between 1999 and 2000, Light and Sound Technician in La Comédie de Béthune (C.D.N.) 2 years, Le Théâtre du Nord (C.D.N), Le Prato théâtre, Le Grand Mix.

Lighting Profesor 
*for Estae (superior school of artistics tecnics for shows ) :
-3th May til 1st June 2016: Show "Como dizia o poeta" realized with 4 light students.
My lightplot, I've done.
-6th May til 3rd june 2015: Show "Santa Joana dels escorxadors" realized with 2 light students.
-8th October 2014 and 7th October 2015: description and utilization of a follow spot, to 3 light students.
-23rd february 2015 and 25th february 2016: stage in french. Tecnical vocabulary in french, to 12 light tecnicians.
-15th til 21st september 2015: Show "Hombre Cucaracha". to first level students.
*For the Espai Jove (youth training center) "Boca Nord, in Barcelone, I gave a class of 25 hours of Grand MA1 from 16th to 20th of July 2012.

Colaborations from 1999 til 2008 with the firms: Amalgama, Eclipse, Tour, Glub Glub (3x Fib Benicasim Festival), Teatralia Festival  (Madrid), Moonlight, Sonostudi, New Watt, Focus, Jaume Muntaner, Sonoss.

Autocad training:

Grand MA 2 and 1 training:

Congo Junior 6.3 training : 

Electrical qualification H0B2RCV:

Caces (certificate of aptitude and driving in security):
R386 PEMP 1B - 3B, R389 Cat3, R372 Cat9.

Safety in high work  - Utilisation of  E.P.I.(equipments protection individual):

 Rigging :


Training network control Luminex: